Fall for Reading This September

August 31, 2022

September is a great time to foster your preschooler’s love of reading with National Read a Book Day, Buy a Book Day, and Libraries Remember Day. It couldn’t be easier to celebrate them.

Read a Book Day

On September 6, make some extra time to read to your student. If you aren’t already, read something special at bedtime, or replace screen time with story time after dinner.

Buy a Book Day

Support your local bookstore’s children’s section by purchasing a book on September 7. Changing Hands Bookstore is one of the valley’s most popular places to buy books and has a lot of events geared towards younger readers.

Consider visiting your local thrift stores and flea markets for some great finds and bargains as well. You never know what hidden treasures you might find. Bookman’s Entertainment Exchange is a fantastic place to find gently used books at a fraction of the cost. Plus, you can bring in the books you have finished, or your preschooler has outgrown, and earn credit towards new favorites.

Pro-tip: When shopping, allow your preschooler to choose their own books!

Libraries Remember Day

If you want to get even more involved this month, participate in Libraries Remember Day which was started in response to 9/11. Created to celebrate the role that libraries play in the preservation of history and social welfare, it’s a great time to introduce your preschooler to all that the library has to offer. Explore, browse, and talk with the human search engines (librarians) about what books might be of interest. There is a lot to discover at your local library:

  • Pick out a new bedtime story

  • Find some beautifully illustrated picture or board books

  • Check out some age-appropriate and entertaining audiobooks. Pro-tip: Pop one in for those errand days to encourage a more peaceful car ride.

  • Download a book onto a tablet or phone for digital ease (also good for those busier days)

Make Reading a Round-the-Year Habit

While there is a lot going on in September, don’t stop there! If you aren’t already, make reading an everyday habit with bedtime stories, a short book in the evening or on quieter mornings. Make literature part of your preschooler’s routine and create a lifelong reader.

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