Nighty, Night: Establishing a Good Bedtime Routine for Your Preschooler

March 11, 2025

What is the best bedtime routine for a preschooler?


Trick question! There is no such thing.

And because of that, you may have been beating your head against the bedpost trying to figure out how to make bedtime less challenging. The reality is what works for one preschooler may not work for another, and there is a lot of urban legend surrounding how to get your child to sleep faster, and better. Thankfully, there are some professional-approved ways to make sure your child gets the rest they need. But first, let’s bust a few myths.

Myth #1

“Tucker them Out” You may have heard this ole’ chestnut from well-meaning friends and family. They say that the best way to get a child to sleep is to let them go, as fast and hard as they can, until they can’t go no more! True or False?

False. All this is going to do is make your child overtired, and an overtired preschooler is not one for climbing into bed on time, falling asleep quickly, and going gently into their good night.

Myth #2

Keeping your preschooler up later will make them sleep longer. True or False?

False. Not sticking to a schedule is one of the bigger mistakes that parents make in their preschooler’s sleep routine. Small children respond to schedules (even if they rail against them) and the stability they provide. Sticking with one puts you that much closer to getting your preschooler to fall asleep faster and having more quality rest.

Myth #3

Preschoolers need to nap. True or False?

True and False. While some children do need a nap at this age, it isn’t always necessary. A nap could interfere with their normal bedtime which is not what you are going for. Even though they might not nap, your preschooler could benefit from quiet time each day.  

What is not myth is that all preschoolers need to have 10-13 hours of quality, restful sleep, and here is where the professionals come in with some tips and tricks to make your bedtime routine a lot smoother:

Maintain a Consistent Schedule (as best you can)

It’s been proven that a regular bedtime and naptime schedule creates good habits.

Follow a Consistent Routine

Whether that be a bedtime story, a chat about their day, or a bath, it’s important to have a stable routine that your child responds to. Find what works for you and your child and stick with it!

Make the Bedroom Dreamy

Create a space that is cool, dark, and without electronics. As most adults have learned, having a TV, phone, or tablet in the bedroom does not make for restful sleep. This rings especially true for preschoolers as most do not have the discipline to resist the bright, flashy thing.

Limit Food and Drink Before Bedtime

Most light snacks are ok, but be careful with caffeine which is most definitely a stimulant. Think about that cup of coffee you may reach for when you need a pick-me-up in the afternoon.

Slow Down Before Bedtime

A good winding-down period about 30-60 minutes before bed really sets the stage for quality rest.

Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all solution here, and you may have special concerns. If you and your child are dealing with persistent nightmares, bedwetting, breathing issues, or other medical challenges, speak with your pediatrician and get some sound advice. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding out what works, establishing good sleeping habits, and maintaining your child’s health.

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